Tuesday, April 29, 2008

valentine day's poem for a belated valentine's day

I remember taking this down from somewhere and felt like posting it now, so here goes:

Valentine's Quest

February Fourteen, the day to dread.

When you have no one but your hand.

You ask desperately around, and all you get is no.

You just want to be like the rest.

Paying for expensive dinners, and buying overpriced roses.

Getting a piece of the juicy action at the end of the night.

But all you can do is drown in beer and loneliness.

The media is saying love be praised.

The restaurant is saying suckers be praised.

The flower girl is saying another sucker coming my way.

All the money you spend, all the effort you took.

All is for naught, all is for just a taste of sex.

Clock is ticking, time is short.

Need a girl to date, and a need to get laid.

Need to lose the name, lose the stigma.

Virgin is the name, praise be the power of sex.

Finally found a girl, who nobody dates.

She is nice, but she is no beauty.

She got ass and she got breasts.

Praise be the power of the women.

Women that all men want to be with on the day of Valentine.

You had your dinner, you bought her roses.

You bring her to a motel, paying for a 2 hour room.

She is blushing and you are steaming.

She loses her clothes, you loses your pants.

Within 5 minutes, she stand up and get dressed.

Lying on the bed, shagged and tears flowing down your cheeks.

She walks out of the room, with an annoyed look.

"What kind of man you are, cannot even last for a minute!!!" is what she said.

You are both sad and happy, sad that you cannot make it last longer.

Happy that you are finally no longer a virgin and she forgot to collect her fees.

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