Thursday, July 31, 2008

this be madness! :S

Sad end for bear with jar on head

A wild black bear whose head got stuck inside a plastic jar, Minnesota
The jar was said to be the type that holds sweets or popcorn

US wildlife officials who tried to capture a bear that had a jar stuck on its head, have shot the animal after it wandered into a busy Minnesota town.

The bear, a male about two years old, was killed by police after six days of failed efforts to catch it alive.

"When it got into town, our main concern was public safety," said Rob Naplin, a local wildlife supervisor.

The wild black bear could breathe but could not eat or drink, and was probably hungry and dehydrated.

'Tough condition'

"With all the people around... you're never sure what the outcome is going to be," Mr Naplin told the Minneapolis Star Tribune newspaper.

Mr Naplin said efforts had been made to capture the bear alive as it moved through areas near the town of Lake George, where it was first spotted on 21 July.

Efforts to tranquilise the animal failed because the bear "stayed in forested areas", he said.

Mr Naplin said the bear was "in pretty tough condition" after being unable to eat or drink for several days because of the 2.5-gallon (9.5-litre) plastic jar on its head.

He said the jar was the type that holds sweets or popcorn, and had probably become lodged on its head as the bear was foraging for food.


Monday, July 28, 2008

drawing a comparison between the maid and Mas S.

*This is SO TRUE............. hahaha....... make sure to read the last
part..... very funny but good comparisons...... hats off to the person who
wrote this.*

*Mr Wong says so....

There are several simple reasons why many Singaporean employers are
reluctant to give their maids a day off.*

*You see, if the maid runs away, the government will fine the employer
$5,000. If the maid commits a crime such as shoplifting, the government will
fine the employer $5,000.*

*If the maid is caught having sex with someone, the government will fine the
employer $5,000. If the maid gets pregnant, the government will also fine
the employer $5,000.*


*If you didn't know any of the above, then either you do not employ a maid,
or you didn't read the small print of the Manpower Ministry's work permit

*Many employers are afraid that if their maid has a day off and gets into
trouble, the employer will not only have to solve the trouble, but also have
to fork out $5,000 as a free gift to the government.*


*Intuitively, this smacks of gross unfairness. The employer gets punished
not for something he did, but for something that somebody else (the maid)
did. Furthermore, once the maid leaves the employer's residence, the
employer has no way of monitoring where the maid goes and what she does


*We may draw a curious parallel with Mas Selamat's escape, and PM Lee's
determined, if muddled, defence of Home Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng in
Parliament. *

*Mas Selamat ran away. But PM Lee said that Wong Kan Seng was not at fault
and should not be punished in any way. *


*The reason being that Wong Kan Seng personally did not do anything which
allowed Mas Selamat to escape.*

*Strangely, if your maid runs away, it IS your fault and you SHOULD be
punished. Even if you did not personally do anything to let her run away
(apart from giving her a day off).*


*Similarly, if your maid becomes pregnant, it IS your fault and you SHOULD
be punished. Even if you did not personally do anything to make her


*Oh well. What can I say? Maids are not terrorists. But then you are not
Wong Kan Seng. So the rules remain stacked against you. Wong Kan Seng gets
off lightly, but you won't. Even if his lapse has far greater, and graver,
implications than yours.*


*Your runaway maid wouldn't blow up Changi Airport , would she?*

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

太在乎,就什么也得不到 :(




























































Monday, July 21, 2008

an extremely enlightening speech by Steve Jobs, a must read!

'You've got to find what you love,' Jobs says

This is the text of the Commencement address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on June 12, 2005.

I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That's it. No big deal. Just three stories.

The first story is about connecting the dots.

I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out?

It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: "We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?" They said: "Of course." My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college.

And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents' savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn't see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting.

It wasn't all romantic. I didn't have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends' rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5¢ deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. Let me give you one example:

Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn't have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can't capture, and I found it fascinating.

None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, its likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later.

Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

My second story is about love and loss.

I was lucky — I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz and I started Apple in my parents garage when I was 20. We worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4000 employees. We had just released our finest creation — the Macintosh — a year earlier, and I had just turned 30. And then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. When we did, our Board of Directors sided with him. So at 30 I was out. And very publicly out. What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating.

I really didn't know what to do for a few months. I felt that I had let the previous generation of entrepreneurs down - that I had dropped the baton as it was being passed to me. I met with David Packard and Bob Noyce and tried to apologize for screwing up so badly. I was a very public failure, and I even thought about running away from the valley. But something slowly began to dawn on me — I still loved what I did. The turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over.

I didn't see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.

During the next five years, I started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create the worlds first computer animated feature film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, I returned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple's current renaissance. And Laurene and I have a wonderful family together.

I'm pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn't been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle.

My third story is about death.

When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I didn't even know what a pancreas was. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor's code for prepare to die. It means to try to tell your kids everything you thought you'd have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes.

I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy, where they stuck an endoscope down my throat, through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and I'm fine now.

This was the closest I've been to facing death, and I hope its the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept:

No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960's, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions.

Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Thank you all very much.


things my mom taught me :D

> this is cute
> My Mother taught me about ANTICIPATION :
> "Just wait until your father gets home."
> My Mother taught me about RECEIVING :
> "You are going to get it when we get home!"
> My Mother taught me to MEET A CHALLENGE :
> "What were you thinking? Answer me when I talk to you... Don't talk
> back to me!"
> My Mother taught me LOGIC :
> "Because I said so, that's why." &
> "If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going
> to the store with me."
> My Mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE :
> "If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to freeze that
> way."
> My Mother taught me to THINK AHEAD :
> "If you don't pass your spelling test, you'll never get a good job."
> My Mother taught me ESP :
> "Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you're cold?"
> My Mother taught me HUMOR :
> "When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me."
> My Mother taught me how to BECOME AN ADULT:
> "If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up."
> My Mother taught me about GENETICS :
> "You're just like your father."
> My Mother taught me about my ROOTS :
> "Do you think you were born in a barn?"
> My Mother taught me about WISDOM OF AGE :
> "When you get to be my age, you will understand."
> My Mother taught me about JUSTICE :
> "One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you.
> Then you'll see what it's like."
> My mother taught me RELIGION :
> "You better pray that will come out of the carpet."
> My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL :
> "If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle
> of next week!"
> My mother taught me FORESIGHT :
> "Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident."
> My mother taught me IRONY :
> "Keep crying and I'll *give* you something to cry about."
> My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS :
> "Shut your mouth and eat your supper!"
> My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM :
> "Will you *look* at the dirt on the back of your neck!"
> My mother taught me about STAMINA :
> "You'll sit there until all that spinach is finished."
> My mother taught me about WEATHER :
> "It looks as if a tornado swept through your room."
> My mother taught me how to solve PHYSICS PROBLEMS: "If I yelled
> because
> I saw a meteor coming toward you, would you listen then?"
> My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY :
> "If I've told you once, I've told you a million times: Don't
> Exaggerate!!!"
> My mother taught me THE CIRCLE OF LIFE :
> "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out."
> My mother taught me about BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATION:
> "Stop acting like your father!"
> My mother taught me about ENVY :
> "There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who
> don't have wonderful parents like you do!"

bringing a new meaning to desperation~

Man who had sex with bike in court
By Richard Alleyne
Last Updated: 1:48AM GMT 31/10/2007

A man has been placed on the sex offenders’ register after being caught trying to have sex with a bicycle.
Bryony Gordon: How do you have sex with a bicycle?
Goat survived by kid and human husband
Doctors battle to save 'human pin-cushion'

Robert Stewart was discovered in his room by two cleaners at the Aberley House Hostel in Ayr, south west Scotland, in October last year.

Robert Stewart admitted sexual breach of the peace

On Wednesday Mr Stewart admitted to sexual breach of the peace in Ayr Sheriff Court, where depute fiscal Gail Davidson described how he had been found by the hostel workers.

She said: "They knocked on the door several times and there was no reply.

"They used a master key to unlock the door and they then observed the accused wearing only a white T-shirt, naked from the waist down.

"The accused was holding the bike and moving his hips back and forth as if to simulate sex."

Both witnesses, who were extremely shocked, notified the hotel manager, who in turn alerted the police.

Mr Stewart was placed on the sex offenders’ register but his sentence was deferred until next month.

He is not the first man to be convicted of a sexual offence involving an inanimate object, however.

Karl Watkins, an electrician, was jailed for having sex with pavements in Redditch, Worcs, in 1993.


these japanese people really love their pranks lol

Thursday, July 17, 2008

maybe im abit wols...but here you go~

A Chinese man walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. He tells the loan officer that he is going to China on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000.

The bank officer tells him that the bank will need some form of security for the loan, so the Chinese man hands over the keys to a new Ferrari parked on the street in front of the bank. He produces the title and everything checks out.

The Loan officer agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. The bank's president and its officers all enjoy a good laugh at the Chinese for using a $250,000 Ferrari as collateral against a $5,000 loan.
An employee of the bank then drives the Ferrari into the bank's underground garage and parks it there.

Two weeks later, the Chinese returns, repays the $5,000 and the interest, which comes to $15.41.
The loan officer says, 'Sir, we are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multi-millionaire. What puzzles us is why you would bother to borrow $5,000? The Chinese replies: 'Where else in New York City can I park my car for two weeks for only $15.41 and expect it to be there safely when I return.'

Sunday, July 13, 2008

WTH man...dun let the ladies know kays?

Oral sex can cause throat cancer
22:00 09 May 2007 news service
Roxanne Khamsi

People who have had more than five oral-sex partners in their lifetime are 250% more likely to have throat cancer than those who do not have oral sex, a new study suggests.

The researchers believe this is because oral sex may transmit human papillomavirus (HPV), the virus implicated in the majority of cervical cancers.

The new findings should encourage people to consistently use condoms during oral sex as this could protect against HPV, the team says. Other experts say that the results provide more reason for men to receive the new HPV vaccine.

Maura Gillison at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, US, and colleagues collected blood and saliva samples from the throats of 100 patients diagnosed with cancers of the tonsils or back of the throat. The scientists also took samples from 200 healthy people for comparison.

By combining the blood and saliva samples with antibody molecules, Gillison's team could tell whether a person had ever had an HPV infection.
Cancer traps

All of the study participants provided information about their sexual history, including the number of people with whom they had engaged in oral sex.

After controlling for other risk factors for throat cancer, such as drinking and smoking, the analysis revealed that people who had prior infection with HPV were 32 times as likely to have this cancer as those with no evidence of ever having the virus. And those who tested positive for a particularly aggressive strain of the virus, called HPV-16, were 58 times more likely to have throat cancer.

By comparison, either smoking or drinking increases the risk of such cancer by about threefold.

The throat cancers analysed in the new study mostly started in the "crypts" of the throat – the grooves at the base of the tonsils. This might be because the tonsil grooves trap infectious particles, suggests Mark Stoler of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, US, who was not involved in the study.
High risk levels

The study also revealed a link between oral sex and throat cancer caused by HPV. People who had one to five oral-sex partners in their lifetime had approximately a doubled risk of throat cancer compared with those who never engaged in this activity - and those with more than five oral-sex partners had a 250% increased risk.

There was an even stronger link between oral sex and throat cancers clearly caused by HPV-16 (those tumours that tested positive for the strain). People with more than five oral sex partners had a 750% increased risk of these HPV-16-caused cancers.

"This study is important because it is putting all of the pieces together," says Gillison. "We need to add oral HPV infection to the list of risks for oral cancer," she adds.
Virus vaccine

A vaccine against several of the most aggressive strains of HPV linked to cervical cancer received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration in 2006. However the plan to vaccinate adolescent girls with this vaccine developed by Merck, called Gardasil, has received some criticism.

There have been no studies investigating whether the vaccine can also protect against throat cancer, but the new evidence linking HPV to throat cancer could lead to broader vaccination with Gardasil. "We will see a push for vaccination in men," says Stoler, who has been involved in the development of the vaccine.

Tonsil and throat cancers affect about two in every 100,000 adults in the US. The new results could promote the development of spit tests for HPV infection to help identify people at high risk for these cancers, researchers say.

Journal reference: New England Journal of Medicine (vol 356, p 1944)


Friday, July 11, 2008

an introspective article for those who are in the mood to introspect

In meditation, the student is asked to answer the question: Who am I?

The teacher makes this simpler by breaking it down into three questions:

Am I my thoughts?

Am I my feelings?

Am I my body?

Usually, a student will say, "Aren’t we a combination of all three?"

And the teacher says, "Ask each question and wait for the answer."

Each of us has an innate sense that we exist as separate entities, and we define these entities by our thoughts, feelings and body. The purpose of this meditation is to question our assumptions.

So, first: Am I my thoughts?

The most obvious thing about my thoughts is that they are constantly changing.

Most of the time, they just happen, like random channel surfing: My thoughts will zoom from what’s for lunch? to I really ought to write Karen, to I wish I hadn’t said that to my client.

If I want, I can choose what I’d like to think about. I can plan a trip or calculate a math problem.

Sometimes I can request thoughts. For example, when I’m writing a story and I don’t know what my character is going to do next, I can ask the universe for an answer, and usually I get one. I get a movie in my head showing me the next scene in my story.

In all these situations, my thoughts are changing, yet I feel myself as a constant.

I can even change an opinion about something and still feel that I am myself.

I am no more my thoughts than a television is the shows on its screen.

What about my feelings? They too constantly change. They may be triggered by a thought.

News that a friend will be visiting can trigger happy feelings. News that a friend has died can trigger sad feelings.

We can even decide to have a feeling. When we go to a scary movie, we know it’s just a movie. But we can decide to allow ourselves to be scared when things happen on the screen and the scary music is playing. We can decide right now to be happy or sad or scared – we can pick any emotion we want and feel it right now.

But like our thoughts, our feelings are not constant.

And we are still ourselves whether we are happy or sad or scared.

So, we are not our feelings.

What about the body? From a biological point of view, our bodies don’t have a single atom in them that we had 7 years ago. We certainly don’t look the way we did last year, let alone 25 years ago. But our sense of identity has remained constant through all of this. So, we are not our bodies.

Thus everything we identified in the beginning (our thoughts, our feelings, our bodies) is not our self. From this standpoint, I do not exist.

Now, let’s take a look at what we’ve just done.

We have gone through three levels at looking at ourselves.. First we were the I.that we thought of as thoughts, feelings, and body. But we stepped away from that I. We became split into two parts which we can call witness and ego. And now, we are acting as a third self – looking at the Witness and the ego.

Which of these selves, if any, really exists?

Monday, July 7, 2008

ever wondered why HDB flats cost so much nowadays? here's an insight

Market-based pricing has cost buyers dearly
I REFER to the Insight interview with National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan ('HDB neighbours from hell? This minister knows all about it', June 27).
Private property is mostly beyond the reach of young couples. Even with HDB flats, they are caught either waiting as long as six years for an expensive new flat or paying an exorbitant price for a resale flat.

In the 1970s, graduate starting pay was $1,000. Then, in Marine Parade, a new three-, four- or five-room HDB flat cost $17,000, $20,000 and $35,000 respectively. By 1990, the average price of a new five-room flat was $70,000. Such prices then reflected a 'cost-based' approach to pricing.

Now, graduate starting pay is three times higher at $3,000, but prices of similar new flats have gone up by 10 to 30 times.

These massive price hikes were largely due to the HDB switching to a 'market-based' approach to pricing, following the 1994 property bull run.

In an ST Forum reply last year, the HDB finally confirmed that 'the prices of new HDB flats are based on the market prices of resale HDB flats, and not their costs of construction'.

In 2000, the total breakeven cost (comprising construction cost, land cost and other related costs) of a new five-room flat was an estimated $120,000.

However, under the market-based pricing approach, the HDB will first look at the prevailing market price of, say, $260,000 of a five-room resale flat. It will then pick a slightly lower figure of, say, $200,000 as the selling price of the new five-room flat - regardless of its $120,000 breakeven cost.

The HDB will then say the new flat buyer is getting a so-called 'market subsidy' of $60,000, the difference between the resale flat market price and new flat selling price. There is thus no actual 'cash subsidy' given to the flat buyer.

This market-based pricing approach caused new flat prices and resale flat prices to chase each other in an upward spiral, affecting buyers of both new and resale flats.

It has also caused current prices of 1,000 sq ft four-room new flats to vary so much - from $200,000 in Sengkang to $400,000 in Telok Blangah.

As a low-cost public housing developer, the HDB owes Singaporeans a proper reply on why it does not pass on to flat buyers the economy-of-scale cost savings in its huge developments through pricing new flats on a cost-based breakeven basis.

something i saw on a forum

It all boils down to 3 things. It is her interest level in u, ur male attitude and the female attitude. If anything is wrong in a r/s. U can trace it back to these 3 things.

The first thing is her interest level in u. U guys nv take into account her interest level in u and u r blinded by ur interest level in her. So wat do u guys do? U confess without thinking she is ready anot or whether she likes u in the first place. U confess because as long as u like her, its ok. Love is not reciporical, u like her does not mean she has to like u back n vice versa.

Learn to see how much she is interested in u in percentages. If she asks u alot of qn n keep asking u out. Her interest level is above 51%. If she touches ur hand constantly and asked u where this relationship is going, means her interest level in u is 90% n above. If she is cold when talking to u and dun seem enthu abt hanging out wif u, her interest level is below 50% and this is where the breaking of dates happen. Some of u rationalise her actions for not going out wif u or breaking ur dates like saying, oh she is bz, she is stressed, she rough day, etc but u just dun wanna admit she does not like u at all. The simple fact is that girls who like u will go out wif u n wun break dates. How many dates haf u all broken? I can tell u its zero cos u like the person.

Its not the mind games she plays, she just does not like u as much. Do u think she will break a date wif Wu Zhun? Hell, the ans is no because she super likes him. Remember if a girl does something to u that u dun understand, always question urself will she do the same thing to a star like Wu Zhun or some other star she likes. If the answer is no, then really she does not like u that much.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Derren Brown beats 9 chess players simultaneously.

An amazing use of memory.

Schoolboy found hanged after his father confiscated his new Wii

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 10:25 PM on 26th June 2008

Jake Roberts

Jake Roberts

A boy of 13 hanged himself with his school tie after his father confiscated a computer game.

Jake Roberts wanted to play it on his Nintendo Wii console but couldn't because his sister was watching TV.

An argument developed and when his father confiscated the game Jake stormed to his room. Hours later he was discovered hanging from his bed by his father.

The talented teenager, described as a sensitive boy with a fantastic imagination enjoyed writing stories and poems and even had one verse published after his school entered it into a competition.

The inquest heard evidence from Jake's devastated parents, Andrea and John, who lived with their son and daughter in Scarborough, North Yorkshire.

Mrs Roberts a bank clerk, became tearful as she recalled how her son had stormed off to his room after being told he could not play on the game.

She said: 'We gave him some money for his birthday so he went out and bought a computer game.

'When he came back he wanted to play it but his sister was using the television.

'He had a temper tantrum and stormed off upstairs.'

Mr Roberts, a printer, said: 'The first thing I saw when I walked in to Jake's bedroom was all the paper he had ripped up on the floor during his tantrum.

'The door was open with his bed to my left behind the door. I was going to tell him off when I turned. It took me a few seconds to register what I was seeing.'

'His school tie was round his neck and he was hung from his cabin bed. I tried to lift him and his tie was attached to a bar on the bed.'

An ambulance was called and Jake was rushed to Scarborough Hospital, but he was pronounced dead two days later as a result of hanging.

Mr Roberts continued: 'I honestly don't think he meant to hang himself. I think he was mad about the computer game and just did something stupid.'

Mrs Roberts added that the family had watched an episode of the BBC drama Casualty together weeks, before which had featured a young person hanging themselves.

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Jake Roberts

Jake Roberts: Found hanging in his bedroom after an argument

She said: 'It did occur to us a few weeks after this happened that we had seen a Casualty programme on a Saturday night at about 8pm.

'This had shown a hanging. I know I was really shocked they had shown it at that time.

'But I don't think anything he had seen influenced him. When he was younger he had a bit of a temper and he'd had tantrums with us before.'

Recording a verdict of accidental death at the inquest in Scarborough Coroner Michael Oakley said: 'There is no evidence whatsoever that he took things he had seen into account.

'He didn't have any particular temper tantrums other than those you would expect from someone who had just become a teenager.

'There had been a minor argument. The circumstances in which he was found do not suggest to me this was a deliberate act to end his life.'

In a statement after the verdict, Jake's grieving parents said: 'Jake was a kind, caring and sensitive boy who had a wonderfully dry sense of humour and huge potential for the future.

'He had a special and unique talent for writing stories which stemmed from a fantastic imagination.

'We love him so very much and miss him more and more with each passing day, and are still struggling to come to terms with his loss.'

Jake was a popular pupil at St Augustine's Roman Catholic secondary school in the town and a page on social networking site Bebo has been dedicated to him.

It features emotional tributes from school friends. One reads 'your face just made my face light up in a way, just to see your big cheesy grin. Miss you loads'.

Another simply says: 'Miss you every single day you have a special place in everyone's heart.'


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

why can't the rest of the world get along?

In a zoo in California , a mother tiger gave birth to a rare set of triplet tiger cubs. Unfortunately, due to complications in the pregnancy, the cubs were born prematurely and due to their tiny size, they died shortly after birth.

The mother tiger after recovering from the delivery, suddenly started to decline in health, although physically she was fine. The veterinarians felt that the loss of her litter had caused the tigress to fall into a depression. The doctors decided that if the tigress could surrogate another mother's cubs, perhaps she would improve.

After checking with many other zoos across the country, the depressing news was that there were no tiger cubs of the right age to introduce to the mourning mother. The veterinarians decided to try something that had never been tried in a zoo environment. Sometimes a mother of one species will take on the care of a different species. The only orphans' that could be found quickly, were a litter of weanling pigs. The zoo keepers and vets wrapped the piglets in tiger skin and placed the babies around the mother tiger. Would they become cubs or pork chops?

Take a won't believe your eyes!!

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

something i overheard today lol...

"i party like a rockstar, look like a moviestar, play like an allstar, fcuk like a pornstar, baby im a superstar..." QFT!