Friday, January 8, 2010

Funny Thai Ad.

Low cost but high impact. Dig it.

1 comment:

Clay Barham said...

Everyone has heard the term, “Don’t make waves,” and “Don’t rock the boat!” However, no one has ever seen a boat going anywhere that was not making waves and rocking from side to side, making the placid water choppy. This is the conflict we face today, in America, whether to continue welcoming the wave-making pebble-droppers or secure the peace of the pond. Governing elite tell us the interests of the pond, the community, are more important than are the interests of the individual, the pebble-dropping wave makers. However, pebble-droppers made America what it is today. They gave form and shape to our American Evolution. Pebble droppers made us prosperous and only they can keep us prosperous. Without pebble droppers, America will have no prosperity, no growth, no entrepreneurs, no small business and no new jobs. The problem is found in the difficulty government managers have in controlling the pebble droppers and the results of their disturbing behavior. See SAVE PEBBLE DROPPERS & PROSPERITY on