Tuesday, January 5, 2010

a short anecdote

"Yeah, it is difficult to appreciate our abilities until we no longer have them... I have a neighbor who wrote his entire PhD thesis typing the keyboard via a pencil attached to his forehead (due to lack of hand-dexterity ... not just for fun), and he explained that he would find it much more exhausting to spend the rest of his life just doing nothing... That really got me out of my chair..."

1 comment:

Clay Barham said...

How to grow an entrepreneur is coming to Amazon.com soon. It is a book called SAVE PEBBLE DROPPERS & PROSPERITY, also cited in claysamerica.com. The book shows how America prospered in a world unable to achieve freedom, prosperity and success, other than dictatorship and special interest elite bennies. It describes the psychological foundation of entrepreneurship and prosperity. The basic, simple elements of prosperity are listed in claysamerica.com and are great Tea Party and Ayn Rand justifications for those new to politics. Many people are learning why and how to apply the brakes to Obama’s headlong rush to European Marxism, mercantilism and bigger government. The tradition of individualism and freedom is still too strong for the kind of centralizing power-grab we are experiencing today. Claysamerica.com