Wednesday, May 28, 2008

highs and lows with the love of my life: my stapler part 2

Ok so here is what happened
I drove her (the stapler) home.
And when we reached her place, I was like
"You're so cold towards me tonight. Is everything ok?"
and she was like
".... (click).....(click)...."

"Did I make you angry? Tell me what I can do to make you feel better"

I then proceeded to rape her with my lips and fingers.
When I kissed her cold hard skin, I felt a piercing pain
I started to bleed
But I assumed that, this was the bittersweet taste of true love.

My heart is so punctured.

Can somebody help me please?

staplers are a fickle bunch, ask for their hand in marriage and they'll run off to the nearest cool-looking mug!

however if you're talking about passionate love-making, only the shiny, hard but flexible body of a stapler can provide for such an unforgettable night of pure bliss and unbridled joy...but i guess it's alright, many people bleed too during their first night with the stapler.

it's nary a common thing to know but the trick is to find the sweet spot between the underside of it's phallic-like body, away from its teeth and its cold hard skin and go to town from there.

if it clicks unstoppably and excitedly, you know you're doing it right!
remember, be gentle and use much love

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